Our Policies and Terms
If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] or (705)330-2326 or Here.
Terms of Service
Web Designs
Web design is done to the best of our ability to your specifications. If there is anything lost in translation due to human communication error, we will attempt, within reason, to correct things that you are not happy with but there are limitations as far as hours and availability. We like to keep you involved, with check ins, to try to mitigate these potential issues. There are also some things that can and cannot be done based on the hosting package as well as plugins used etc.
We offer some packages for sites. All these packages have certain things offered for example a wordpress site with 8 pages, 2 basic forms, basic seo, client supplied text. Etc. These packages are based on not a lot of changes or edits. Roots in Tech at our discretion can require additional hourly wages be paid to cover the time to do extensive edits. Roots in Tech decides what counts as excessive. These packages do not include extras such as bookings, ecommerce, complex forms, accounts, videos etc. Please ask for clarification. These are addons that could be charged hourly or we can come up with a package. These packages also have a maximum amount of hours after which it would become hourly. We have averaged the amount of hours these projects usually take and added a little extra. Things like writing content for your site or taking photos are typically not included unless there is enough extra hours in the budget.
A 50% deposit is required for any web design packages which will be used towards the last bill and if not all used in the last bill the remaining after covering the last bill would be refunded. For Hourly Work Roots in Tech will decide a reasonable deposit. In some cases it could take more hours to complete a project and sometimes less. We estimate a little high so that there is room for changes and such within reason. Payment is due within 2 weeks of invoicing the work. Failure to pay could result in the site being suspended and further actions could be taken.
Additional work or edits are generally post paid at our discretion. If it is a large amount of work, additions, or changes we may require 50% down.
On estimates, pricing is based on not too many changes. We tend to be fairly flexible but if we need to redo hours of work due to changing of mind or direction hourly rates would apply at our discretion. Roots in Tech is more than willing to make changes and would work with you to try to find a solution we would both be happy with.
We generally do not recommend you to work on the site although you may if you choose so. Roots in Tech is not responsible for any issues that arise with the site from this and it would be billed hourly to fix. If you want to edit stuff yourself Roots in Tech can teach to an extent at our hourly rate, but we make no guarantees on work we do not do ourselves. Support is not included in any packages unless otherwise stated. Support is at our hourly rate. That being said, we have the right at our discretion to provide you with some free support. Generally we try to do this but it’s not guaranteed.
If there is a concern please let us know as soon as possible as the further development gets the harder it can get to change.
We will attempt to return calls, texts and emails within 24 business hours. In most cases if you text or call we can address issues quickly.
Email Access and 2 Factor Authentication
If you give Roots in Tech access to your email account or any other account you understand that your personal data and information may be displayed. We will not share your information or messages. If you have 2 factor authentication or any other methods of authentication you authorize Roots in Tech to access these methods to facilitate the services we offer.
Payment and Invoices
Hours worked are not itemized or broken down in the invoice. If you require or want a detailed list of what’s done or a summarized list this is possible on request only before the work that day is completed. For example you can’t tell us tomorrow that you want a list of what we did yesterday during hours worked. Must be requested in advance. Time spent filling out what has been done and note keeping to support this will be billed at the usual hourly rate. If these notes are not requested to be done you accept Roots in Techs integrity in hours worked. It is up to you to request this. We do not do this by default to save us time and your money.
We prorate most packages, programs, hourly work and services to be due the 15th of the month. Deposits and domains are not prorated. We reserve the right to charge immediately for any services, plugins, work or any other billable item. If you require a different proration day please contact us and we will attempt to find a solution.
Payments are best preferred as Etransfer. Other payment options are available such as credit cards, but they may incur fees depending on what our fees to accept that form of payment may be.
If you have an issue with making a payment contact us as soon as possible and at our discretion we will attempt to come up with a solution. Late fees can apply on past due invoices. If you contact us we can delay these fees at our discretion.
Late paid invoices are subject to a 2% fee on the 5th day past due. Please be aware that certain services like domains, plugins, google workspace, etc may discontinue working or be unassigned and fees may apply to remaining commitment periods. This means you could lose your domains.
Purchases made through the site whmcs.rootsintech.com if made with a credit card or other payment method are recurring in most cases and your payment method may be automatically processed on the due date for that invoice. If you prefer to change your payment method please notify us a week in advance. This does not mean all payments are automatic and you are responsible to ensure your invoices are paid. If you are unsure please contact us so we can clarify.
Credit card payments are possible. We prefer etransfers to save on credit card processing fees to help keep our prices down. Any chargebacks on payments will result in sites and any other services such as email etc. being suspended until the chargeback is fixed and we are compensated. Sites, files, content and any other material will not be provided to you until we are compensated. We are only required to hold onto your information, emails, sites, content, files etc. for 2 weeks from the date of the chargeback. If you have an issue, talk to us first so we can try to find a mutually agreeable solution. If there are any dispute fees you are responsible for them as well as any other damages or issues that occur due to your dispute or chargeback.
Credit Card payments can incur fees at our discretion. Typically it would be 3-6% of the purchase amount. In most cases we cover these fees but we are not obligated to. Please try to either pay by cash, etransfer, or cheque.
Bounced Cheques will result in the same penalties as credit card chargebacks including any NSF fees.
Any bounced cheques or credit card charge backs can result in legal action and having your bill submitted to collections along with any fees or charges incurred due to this. If legal action is required you will be responsible for our legal fees and charges. If there are chargeback fees you will be responsible to cover these and these can be deducted from any refunds etc. If that does not cover the balance you will be required to pay for the balance or it may be submitted to collections etc. We can also take time off of hosting etc to cover fees.
Liability and Legal Matters
It is your responsibility to be CAN-SPAM compliant and have appropriate TOS and Privacy Policies. Some assistance can be given but we are not lawyers and cannot be held liable or responsible for any issues arising from this.
It is your responsibility to be compliant with any local regulations and laws such as but not limited to GDPR compliance and spam laws. Even if Roots in Tech inc. sets up, builds, assists or in anyway is involved you agree to be solely responsible for any issues that may arise due to, but not limited to, laws, local regulations etc.
If you do not provide a privacy policy a default one recommended by WordPress will be used.
Any content provided by Roots in Tech you are responsible for any copyright or liability issues. If we supply photos it is usually Stock photos with no royalties from sites like pexels.com. If you want us to write a privacy policy or any policies for your site etc you are liable and responsible for anything that may come of it etc. We are not lawyers and take no responsibility for the content on your site. We recommend you have a lawyer make your policies etc. You hold sole responsibility for any copyright issues or claims.
Roots in Tech does not endorse or support any sites or anything we work on. There is no preferential treatment whether you know us, are related to us, friends of us, etc. We treat each and every client equally within their budgets. When it applies to SEO we strive to make all our clients rank. If we have 2 clients of the same business in the same area we will strive to make them both rank. We understand that we can’t get both to number one. Usually it will come down to budget but if all budget and everything is the same we will attempt to have both rank highly. We are not required to disclose if we have another client in your area with a similar or same business. At our discretion we may notify. Using our SEO services or any of our services you remove all liability from Roots in Tech and its employees/owners in the event of any perceived conflict of interest.
Any legal proceedings must occur in the town closest to the Roots in Tech Inc. office. If there is any legal action to be taken against Roots in Tech Inc. It must be filed and dealt with at the office or court closest to our office. The laws of Ontario, Canada will be the ones observed.
Any products purchased from Roots in Tech hold no warranty or guarantee. Products are new unless otherwise specified. There are no returns or exchanges of products. If there is an issue contact us and we can discuss solutions but make no guarantees.
Any photos or media or text you provide for your site, you must make sure are not copyrighted etc. You, the provider of the content, are responsible for any copyright issues that occur. If you want a further explanation of this just ask.
Plugin subscriptions are paid yearly or monthly and are due 2 weeks before they renew. If you choose not to renew the plugins be aware that the site could stop working without them and may require rebuilding. Most plugins are a yearly commitment even if paid monthly. Although you could cancel them before the yearly date you would be responsible for the amount due to finish up the current annual subscription amount even if it is split to a monthly bill for your convenience.
Support is not included in any packages unless otherwise stated. Support is at our hourly rate. That being said, we have the right at our discretion to provide you with some free support. Generally we try to do this but it’s not guaranteed.
At our discretion travel is billed at $0.70 per km round trip. If local and not often we may waive the fee. Most meetings could be had over zoom but we do have the option based on time availability to come to you.
Web hosting packages are subject to change as are the prices for hosting. If your site uses more space or traffic than originally anticipated we will require you to upgrade your package. We will inform you of the changes and at our discretion attempt to find a solution where we all win.
Support is not included in any packages unless otherwise stated. Support is at our hourly rate. That being said, we have the right at our discretion to provide you with some free support. Generally we try to do this but it’s not guaranteed.
If paying monthly for hosting then the first payment would be due immediately and the second month’s payment would be invoiced 2 weeks in advance of the next due date. If paying annually the first payment would be due immediately and the next payment would be invoiced 2 weeks before its due.
If hosting is not paid access to the site would be suspended and we will attempt to work with you to get back on track or for our normal hourly rate, assist you in transferring your site off of Roots in Tech hosting.
If your site becomes bloated with a lot of interactives like videos, high resolution photos, etc. Or generates a large amount of traffic you may need to upgrade the hosting package with Roots in Tech to avoid slow downs and to be fair to everyone else that hosts with Roots in Tech. This goes to upgrading our servers to increase resources available.
Hosting of the website generally has 99% uptime. There may be upgrades at points that could have the server restart (about 15 minutes) or physical upgrades that may have a site down for a few hours. Every effort possible will be taken to have that time after 12am. These occurrences
are rare and are actually a good thing for us all; they are security updates as well as speed upgrades which we all benefit from.
No Adult material or otherwise illegal material is permitted on our servers or with our products we sell and resell.
Site Maintenance Packages
Site maintenance packages, whether monthly, yearly, or hourly based do not guarantee zero issues. In the time allotted by the package or plan we will do updates, security checks and more. This can sometimes include some small site changes you request if there is time left. If an issue arises from an update or maintenance or for any other reason, it would be at our hourly rate to fix the issue. Failure to have site maintenance, whether done by Roots in Tech Inc. or yourself can result in all kinds of issues for your site, your customers and more. Sites must be kept secure and up to date to stay on Roots in Tech Inc. hosting.
Domains are invoiced 4 weeks before renewal. On a new domain purchase or transfer the domain purchase or transfer will not be initiated until payment is received. Paying for domain renewal, transfer or a new purchase should be done as soon as possible as someone else could purchase it first. If the domain is not renewed in time someone else could take it from you and refuse to sell it back or upcharge a lot to return it. Domain redemptions and grace periods are not guaranteed and are quite costly.
We make every effort to make sure domains renew. We are not responsible for expired domains though and cannot be held liable. If you want to verify your domain is set to automatically renew
please reach out to us. They will not automatically renew if the payment for renewal hasn’t been completed. This is your responsibility to ensure you have paid the invoice in ample time for the renewal.
In the event that your domain is considered Premium you will be responsible for the additional costs associated with it. Unfortunately there is no way to know for sure if your domain is premium. Some indicators could be if the front part of the domain is 6 characters or less or a common term. We will attempt to verify during the renewal or purchase or transfer but in the event that it is not caught the difference in price will be invoiced and due immediately.
Domains do increase in price over time due to our domain supplier increasing prices. This means that sometimes your domain renewal price will increase. We are not required to inform you of this change. When you receive the invoice for the renewal you will see the increased price and if you choose not to renew that domain you must let us know within 7 days of that first domain renewal invoice being sent.
SEO results are not guaranteed and are best effort within your budget. SEO is also not a quick process.
Suspensions and Cancellations
On a suspended site we are not required to keep a copy of the site for you after 2 weeks from the date of suspension. In most cases at our discretion we make exceptions.
Roots in Tech reserves the right to cancel or discontinue service. Where possible, 2 weeks of notice will be given. Every possible effort will be given to help ensure a smooth transfer of site and files. In most cases partial refunds for hosting time not used would be refunded. Partial refunds for plugins, programs, services, etc may be considered but are solely at the discretion of Roots in Tech. There are no refunds for hourly work done or web design packages. At our discretion we may offer a partial refund but are not obligated to.
If services are canceled or suspended they become due immediately unless we come to a mutually agreed date.
Social Media Creation and Management
If you supply your credentials to Roots in Tech Inc you assume and understand that Roots in Tech will have access to your accounts. This could include seeing messages, posts, comments and more. There are no guarantees for results with social media creation or management and are offered on a best effort basis within the discussed budget. You are responsible for verifying
that there is no copyright infringement. Roots in Tech is not liable for any damages from social media posts, comments, messages or publicity etc.
Roots in Tech Inc. may create, monitor, edit or complete any other social media management for your accounts that you have created or asked Roots in Tech to create or manage.
Social media ads will be run as discussed and you are responsible for any fees associated with those ads. Verbal, SMS, email or any other form of communication is valid for the running of social media ads or even ads in other programs like Google ads etc.
Roots in Tech inc. is not responsible for if a social media company disables, blocks, restricts or otherwise does anything with your account. Companies such as Meta but not limited to Meta
have been known to disable or limit accounts without reason and without a fair appeal process. We will attempt to help you recover your account at our usual rate but make no guarantees.
app.rootsintech.com (name change pending)
I agree that Roots in Tech Inc. will set up and monitor my app.rootsintech.com account.
The monthly app.rootsintech.com subscription fee will be prepaid as well as prepaying for any other services from app.rootsintech.com. In some cases fees would be post paid or a deposit put down at Roots in Tech Inc.s discretion. Prices subject to change with notice.
app.rootsintech.com has many fees for things like phone numbers, automations, SMS, MMS, Calls, AI, Content AI and more. I agree that I am responsible for any fees occurring from my app.rootsintech.com usage, connected services and account. These are post paid. These will be sent out on your usually monthly invoice unless it is a large amount or otherwise discussed. Invoices will be sent on the 1st of each month or around and include the last month plus the last day of the previous month for example in July 2024 there are 31 days so on August 1st you will
receive the bill for usage between june 30th and july 30th on the september bill it will be july 31 to august 30th and so on. If you need clarification please ask.
Results of non payment are similar to the general terms of service regarding suspending or canceling of account and possible deletion of data. Collections or lawsuits may be used if needed. Contact us if you have issues with payments and we will at our discretion work with you.
Support for app.rootsintech.com is more limited as Roots in Tech Inc. doesn’t have complete access like some of our other offerings. Roots in Tech Inc. will attempt to use each parts support at our normal hourly rate if necessary for example email is sent by Mailgun.
Roots in Tech Inc. takes no responsibility for anything posted, sent, emailed, received etc. You accept full responsibility for the contents of your account and things sent to or from it or posted etc.
Roots in Tech Inc. reserves the right to limit or block parts of app.rootsintech.com at our discretion.
You are responsible for adhering to any anti-spam laws or communication laws. You are responsible for any legal or other issues arising from using or being part of app.rootsintech.com and any of its offerings like Lead Connector etc.
Roots in Tech Inc. offers no warranty or guarantee of app.rootsintech.com continued services.
Roots in Tech Inc. can without notice discontinue offering app.rootsintech.com and its products and affiliates.
All work, monitoring, reporting, set-up and support will be charged at our usual hourly rate.
As with all Roots in Tech offerings all content must be legal. We reserve the right to contact and or work with authorities if illegal content is found.
These services are subject to price increases. Roots in Tech Inc. will contact you to notify and if necessary come up with a transition plan. app.rootsintech.com has so many features in it that as we add in more there may be an increase in cost at some point.
This agreement will be updated by Roots in Tech Inc. at some point in the near future to encompass more that is involved in app.rootsintech.com. The updated version will be available at:
Roots in Tech Inc. Account Creation and Setup
By singing this agreement I approve Roots in Tech Inc. to set up an account for me at whmcs.rootsintech.com, which is where Roots in Tech Inc. manages billing, services, support and more. I also agree that Roots in Tech Inc. may send me emails and messages for billing purposes as well as marketing, support and other purposes. By allowing Roots in Tech Inc. to setup my account this also implies that I am agreeing to the terms of Service available at https://rootsintech.com/policies-and-terms/
This can also include automatic recurring payments to the credit card or other payment method I provide to Roots in Tech Inc. If I provide a credit card I authorize Roots in Tech Inc. to set it to automatically charge my credit card for any amounts due or to process the payment manually. I understand that I do have access to this account and would need to request the login information. I
also understand that this account has access to certain features and options that could damage my website or other services and that accessing this account is at my own risk. I can contact Roots in Tech Inc. to modify, cancel or add to my services. Roots in Tech can add to my services based on calls, texts, emails, verbal communications and other methods of communication without confirming with me first. Services are not considered canceled until i get confirmation from Roots in Tech Inc. in writing by email or sms. Some services have terms of commitment and these can be checked by asking Roots in Tech Inc. These auto renew unless I ask Roots in Tech Inc. to cancel them at least 5 business days
before they would renew. I acknowledge that I will not be contacted before the auto renewal.
Referral Programs, Coupons and Promotions
Any referral programs have terms and conditions. A referral only counts if the referred client purchases a package equal to a minimum that is listed on the promotion.
Good Plan
Basic hosting is limited to 5 GB of disk space and 25 GB of bandwidth. Additional space is billed at $10 per GB and additional bandwidth is billed at $2 per additional GB. WordPress maintenance includes plugin updates and if need be quick fixes. Fixes or edits requiring any more than 15 minutes per month would be billed at the hourly rate. Elementor requires Roots in Tech Inc. to be building the site to not go against Elementors terms of service. You may edit the site as well. The one free domain has to be .com, .ca, .org, or .us and is only eligible on a yearly commitment. You can pay monthly and still get the free domain but you are committing to a year’s service. If the domains price increases or becomes a premium domain it may not still be included for free with the plan. If you are monthly and cancel before the year is complete in the current billing cycle you will be responsible to pay the difference. The plan auto renews and if you wish to cancel you must contact Roots in Tech Inc. at [email protected] and receive verification of receipt. Plans are prorated to the 15th of the month meaning when you sign up you may pay for less than a month, more than a month etc. You are being billed for exactly the right amount of days. Due to price increases of some services or products contained the price of this plan can change without notice to reflect those price changes. For example if Google Workspace prices increase by $3 a month you should expect to see your plan increase by $3 a month. We are not required to inform you of the change as you will see it on your next invoice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but it is unavoidable and part of dealing with these companies. You can always contact us to discuss lowering your plan or getting your services a la carte.
Better Plan
Basic hosting is limited to 7 GB of disk space and 35 GB of bandwidth. Additional space is billed at $10 per GB and additional bandwidth is billed at $2 per additional GB. WordPress maintenance includes plugin updates and if need be quick fixes. Fixes or edits requiring any more than 15 minutes per month would be billed at the hourly rate. Elementor requires Roots in
Tech Inc. to be building the site to not go against Elementors terms of service. You may edit the site as well. The one free domain has to be .com, .ca, .org, or .us and is only eligible on a yearly commitment. If the domains price increases or becomes a premium domain it may not still be included for free with the plan. You can pay monthly and still get the free domain but you are committing to a year’s service. The 1 Google Workspace Starter or 1 Microsoft 365 Business Basic account also requires a yearly commitment although you do have the option of paying monthly. If you wish to use the Google Workspace Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic account a one-time setup fee of $100 applies. If you are monthly and cancel before the year is complete in the current billing cycle you will be responsible to pay the difference for the domain and the 1 Google Workspace Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic account. The plan auto renews and if you wish to cancel you must contact Roots in Tech Inc. at [email protected] and receive verification of receipt. Plans are prorated to the 15th of the month meaning when you sign up you may pay for less than a month, more than a month etc. You are being billed for exactly the right amount of days. If you addon app.rootsintech.com and cancel the Better Plan or downgrade you will be charged the full price for app.rootsintech.com. Due to price increases of some services or products contained the price of this plan can change without notice to reflect those price changes. For example if Google Workspace prices increase by $3 a month you should expect to see your plan increase by $3 a month. We are not required to inform you of the change as you will see it on your next invoice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but it is unavoidable and part of dealing with these companies. You can always contact us to discuss lowering your plan or getting your services a la carte.
Best Plan
Basic hosting is limited to 10 GB of disk space and 45 GB of bandwidth. Additional space is billed at $10 per GB and additional bandwidth is billed at $2 per additional GB. WordPress maintenance includes plugin updates and if need be quick fixes. Fixes or edits requiring any more than 15 minutes per month would be billed at the hourly rate. Elementor requires Roots in Tech Inc. to be building the site to not go against Elementors terms of service. You may edit the site as well. The one free domain has to be .com, .ca, .org, or .us and is only eligible on a yearly commitment. If the domains price increases or becomes a premium domain it may not still be included for free with the plan. You can pay monthly and still get the free domain but you are committing to a year’s service. The 1 Google Workspace Starter or 1 Microsoft 365 Business Basic account also requires a yearly commitment although you do have the option of paying monthly. If you wish to use the Google Workspace Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic account a one-time setup fee of $100 applies. If you are monthly and cancel before the year is complete in the current billing cycle you will be responsible to pay the difference for the domain and the 1 Google Workspace Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic account. The plan auto renews and if you wish to cancel you must contact Roots in Tech Inc. at [email protected] and receive verification of receipt. Plans are prorated to the 15th of the month meaning when you sign up you may pay for less than a month, more than a month etc. You are being billed for exactly the right amount of days. If you addon app.rootsintech.com and cancel the Better Plan or downgrade you will be charged the full price for app.rootsintech.com. Due to price increases of some services or products contained the price of this plan can change without notice to reflect those price changes. For example if Google Workspace prices increase by $3 a month you should expect to see your plan increase by $3 a month. We are not required to inform you of the change as you will see it on your next invoice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but it is unavoidable and part of dealing with these companies. You can always contact us to discuss lowering your plan or getting your services a la carte.
Custom Plan
If you require more or less we do offer custom plans.
Cloudflare Argo
Cloudflare argo has two parts to its billing. The monthly amount plus $0.22 per GB served. The $0.22 per GB served is postpaid on the next months invoice. If you have a yearly plan this would still be due monthly. You have the option to credit your account if you wish to have to worry about it less.
Google Workspace
Google workspace is billed monthly or annually but holds a yearly commitment. If you require a monthly commitment it may be available at a higher rate. All Google Workspace plans hold a auto-renewing yearly commitment. It is your responsibility to email Roots in Tech Inc. with confirmation of receipt prior to your renewal date if you wish to cancel.
If you wish to cancel Google Workspace you will be billed the remaining amount in the term. Contact us to find out when your term ends.
Google workspace accounts are not eligible for any refunds or credits. Support is offered at the usual hourly rate only. The benefit here is that we do offer support
and can usually get things done faster that Google. That being said occasionally we are limited by Googles support speed depending on the issue. Set-up fees are $100 CAD for the first user and $50 per additional user. Migrations are extra at the usual hourly rate. We are not responsible for any data loss during migrations although this is very rare.
Failure to pay your Google Workspace invoice or Google Workspace setup or support invoices will result in suspension or cancellation of services and you will be immediately responsible for payment of the rest of your term. Failure to pay would fall under the Terms of Service agreement. Legal action or other suspensions or cancellations can occur. Other services can be suspended, canceled or terminated to cover unpaid invoices and could lead to deletion of data and legal actions or collections as laid out in the Terms of Service.
On cancellation of a Google Workspace subscription all data is deleted and is not recoverable. Roots in Tech Inc. is not responsible for any issues or liabilities from using Google Workspace or bugs within Google Workspace. We simply resell it and offer basic support for it.
Google Takeout can assist with saving data from emails, notes, docs, drive and more. If we handle the google takeout for you if you require it, it is at the usual hourly rate.
The only way to get more google storage is to add new accounts or upgrade the accounts. Due to how Google has set it up all accounts have to be at the same membership level. There is an option to add more storage separately but we do not currently offer it as it’s prohibitively expensive and it’s less expensive to upgrade all the accounts in most cases.
At some times Google may increase the price of the services offered and therefore your price will increase at the auto renewal as well. We will contact you to let you know of the price increase. If you do not wish to renew at the new price
then we require 30 days notice before the annual auto renew period to cancel the renewal.
There is a limit of a maximum of 300 users on Business Starter, Business Standard and Business Plus plans. Enterprise plans have no minimum or maximum amount of users. Occasionally Google may give access to additional features for a limited promotional period.
Microsoft 365 Business
Microsoft 365 Business is billed monthly or annually but holds a yearly commitment. If you require a monthly commitment it may be available at a higher rate.
If you wish to cancel Microsoft 365 Business you will be billed the remaining amount in the term. Contact us to find out when your term ends.
There are no refunds for Microsoft 365 Business and no support offered for Microsoft 365 Business. Setup fees vary and are charged at the hourly rate. Any technical support or training is also billed at the hourly rate. We are not responsible for any lost data or service during migrations although this is very rare.
Failure to pay your Microsoft 365 Business invoice or Microsoft 365 Business setup or support invoices will result in suspension or cancellation of services and you will be immediately responsible for payment of the rest of your term. Failure to pay would fall under the Terms of Service agreement. Legal action or other suspensions or cancellations can occur. Other services can be suspended,
canceled or terminated to cover unpaid invoices and could lead to deletion of data and legal actions or collections as laid out in the Terms of Service.
On cancellation of a Microsoft 365 Business subscription all data is deleted and is not recoverable. Roots in Tech Inc. is not responsible for any issues or liabilities from using Microsoft 365 Business or bugs within Microsoft 365 Business. We simply resell it and offer basic support for it.
Microsoft storage for one drive is separate from email and is also separate from Sharepoint storage. Most email accounts have 50GB regardless of how much One Drive or Sharepoint storage you have. This can be upgraded for extra.
At some times Microsoft may increase the price of the services offered and therefore your price will increase at the auto renewal as well. We will contact you to let you know of the price increase. If you do not wish to renew at the new price then we require 30 days notice before the annual auto renew period to cancel the renewal.
Changes and Acknowledgements
This policy can be changed at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to check for changes. A current version of the policy is available at: https://rootsintech.com/policies-and-terms/
You acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions, understand these terms and conditions, and will be bound by these terms and conditions. You further acknowledge that these terms and conditions supersede any proposal or prior agreement oral or written, and any communications between us relating to the subject matter of this agreement.
Privacy Policy
Who we are
Our website address is: https://rootsintech.com.
Form Submissions
We collect data from form submissions to make it possible to contact you to discuss and continue services requested. If you want your contact information deleted please contact us but be advised that under those circumstances all services would be cancelled and all due amounts would be immediately due or could be escalated for collection.
When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.
An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.
If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.
If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.
When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.
If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.
Embedded content from other websites
Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.
These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
Who we share your data with
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.
How long we retain your data
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.
For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.
What rights you have over your data
If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
Where your data is sent
Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.
This policy can be changed at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to check for changes.
Authorized Purchases
I agree that Roots in Tech Inc. may use the credit card I have provided them with to make
purchases on my behalf and I agree not to hold Roots in Tech Inc. or any of its
employees/owners responsible for any damages that may occur.
Roots in Tech Inc. takes all possible precautions when handling credit card details of clients and
will verbally or in writing/email/text ask before having a card charged with a new purchase or
subscription. Roots in Tech Inc. is not liable or responsible for recurring charges. If it has been
previously discussed even verbally that Roots in Tech Inc. can make decisions on purchases
then a new consent would not be needed.
I can ask Roots in Tech Inc. to delete all record of my credit card from their system with the
exception of billing purchases for bills from Roots in Tech Inc. This does not mean Roots in Tech
Inc. will delete my card details from sites that purchases have been made on.
Changes and Acknowledgements
This policy can be changed at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to check for
changes. A current version of the policy is available at:
You acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions, understand these terms and
conditions, and will be bound by these terms and conditions. You further acknowledge that
these terms and conditions supersede any proposal or prior agreement oral or written, and any
communications between us relating to the subject matter of this agreement.