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Your one stop shop to get found online the easy way!

Grow your business with a Roots in Tech Hosting Package

When you need easy to understand billing and quality for your business and website Roots in Tech’s plans are where to look. From Good to Best we have you covered. And if you need more or a custom plan we offer that to. Even dedicated servers and server clusters! Our team have put together the most common plans we sell and bundled them together for your convenience. We do have everything a la carte as well if you are looking to pick and choose for budget or custom reasons.

Every Roots in Tech Hosting plan includes:

Fast Hosting

Daily Backups

Great Security

Easy & Fast Support

Swipe or use the arrows for more plans.

*Elementor Pro, Rank Math Pro and Flying Press is only eligible if Roots in Tech Inc. is building and maintaining the website as per the Terms of Service of these plugins.

**Free domain is with a years commitment even if paying monthly. If you want only a monthly commitment do not purchase this package and reach out to us at [email protected] for a custom plan. See Terms of Service for more details.

***Basic WordPress maintenance includes weekly plugin updates and quick fixes. Fixes taking longer than 15 minutes per month are billed at your usual hourly rate.

****Google Workspace Business Starter and Microsoft 365 Business Basic are a yearly commitment even if you are paying monthly. If you want only a monthly commitment do not purchase this package and reach out to us at [email protected] for a custom plan. See Terms of Service for more details. There is also a $100 setup fee for Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 accounts. Each account after the first are only $50 to setup per account. If you do not agree to this do not purchase this package and reach out to us at [email protected] for a custom plan.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Elementor Pro is a builder for wordpress that includes lots of benefits that make Roots in Tech much faster and able to offer a better price for your build. 

Rank Math Pro  is an SEO plugin for WordPress that adds in stuff for SEO such as:

  • Meta Data
  • Schema Markup
  • Social Share Settings
  • 404 Monitor 
  • Redirections
  • Local SEO
  • Page Checker
  • and a ton more!

Flying Press is a plugin that focuses on speeding up your website. It does this through things like minification and lazy loading of CSS, JS, photos and more. It also prefetches site content and changes a bunch of settings to increase page load speed which is crucial for SEO. 

Cloudflare provides a ton of services for your site such as:

  • CDN
  • DNS
  • Namservers
  • WAF
  • Page Rules
  • Caching
  • and a ton more. 

Cloudflare basic is included in all of our hosting if you want it. What it comes down to is Cloudflare makes your site faster, more secure, shows metrics and rank better online.

Roots in Tech charges $100 CAD for the first user and then $50 CAD for each additional user. With us setting up your Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 Business account there is a ton of benefits such as:

  • Additional Security
  • We deal with Google & Microsoft
  • Extra Support
  • Having it how you want it
  • Less Hassle
  • Saving Time 

Dropsuite setup costs are $50 for the first account and $25 for each additional account. 

A free domain as well as a free license of Google Workspace Business Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic comes with an annual commitment. If you pay month to month for your plan you would be required to pay out the rest of the domain or Google Workspace Business Starter or Microsoft 365 Business Basic term at our usual rates.

We can offer month to month without the annual commitment but at an increased rate. Contact us to discuss.

The yearly commitment auto renews unless you contact us with confirmation of receipt from Roots in Tech.

Yes just add more to your order or contact us to add more for you.

Roots in Tech offers a service called Dropsuite. Dropsuite backs up all your emails, drive files, contacts, calendar events and more so in the event Google loses your data, your account is compromised or deleted or  if you accidently delete it we can recover it. Dropsuite has a monthly or yearly cost per account but is quite affordable especially when you consider the peace of mind. Checkout our Dropsuite page for more details. 

Yes, just contact us to upgrade your plan and we will give you equivalent credit to your account for the free account. This way you can take advantage of the extra upgraded feature like more storage space for your Google Drive or the downloadable versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and more. Check out our Google Workspace plans for more details and here are our 3

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